Kalaupapa Pilgrimage

Kalaupapa, the northern peninsula of the island of Moloka’i, has long been associated with Sacred Hearts Father Damien de Veuster, SS.CC., whom the world knows as the “apostle of the lepers“. He was canonized a saint by the Catholic Church because of his holiness and his tireless dedication to serve the outcast and the lepers of Moloka’i before his life was eventually claimed by the very illness that plagued the people of the island. After his death, Franciscan nursing nuns from Syracuse, New York took over the administration of Fr. Damien’s ministry, under the leadership of Mother Marianne Cope, who was also canonized a saint.

Join us on this special four-day pilgrimage to a place where sorrow and death was met with compassion, tenderness, and great love. We will walk in the footsteps of both Fr. Damien and Mother Marianne and see the world through their eyes and allow the natural beauty of the island speak to us of the grandeur of God’s goodness.


TBD. Departure and arrival times will depend on flight availability.


We are asking participants to make a $100 contribution towards the cost of the pilgrimage. Your contribution will help Campus Ministry off-set the cost of travel, meals, lodging and any other expenses we accrue during our time in Kalaupapa. If the cost is prohibitive for you please contact Danny.

Who May Attend?

The Kalaupapa Pilgrimage this Spring Break is intended for day undergraduate students only.
