Baptism Requests

For More information please checkout the Marianist Center of Hawaii (Below) or you can contact Fr. Martin Solma, SM at

Sacrament of BaptismFaculty, staff, students, and alumni of Chaminade University, and Saint Louis School may receive the sacrament of Baptism at Mystical Rose Oratory. Parents who are members of the Mystical Rose Oratory Sunday community may request to have their child baptized here.

Since the sacrament of baptism is a sacrament of initiation into the life of the Church we strongly encourage that your child be baptized at your home parish. Otherwise, we will need a letter from your pastor giving permission for your child to be baptized at a church not his own.

Things To Consider Before Requesting a Baptism

  • Though Mystical Rose Oratory enjoys the same rights and privileges as parish churches, unfortunately we do not offer the same services as they do. Parents requesting for their child to be baptized will need to participate in a baptismal preparation class. This can be done by contacting a local parish.
  • It has become standard practice for us to do baptisms on the second and third Sundays of the month. Parent’s and the child to be baptized are encouraged to attend that Sunday’s 10 a.m. Mass followed by the baptism after Mass.